Photo of the Long-billed Dowitcher recorded at Lough Boora Discovery Park by Séamus Feeney on Irish Birding on 20 August 2014

Lough Boora receives a visit from a rare waterbird

The Long-billed Dowitcher was spotted at Lough Boora Lake on 20 August 2014 and recorded on the Irish Birding website. This rare, vagrant waterbird from North America occasionally arrives in Ireland when blown off-course or getting lost.

Lough Boora Discovery Park - Battle of Giants Family Day event recap - Sunday 24 August 2014

A Family Day out of ‘Giant’ proportions at Lough Boora

Over 2,500 visitors from across the country participated in this year’s Battle of Giants Family Day event at Lough Boora Discovery Park in Co Offaly on Sunday 24 August 2014. As part of National Heritage Week, the event celebrated Irish Myths and Legends

Battle of Giants Family Day Event - Sunday 24 August 2014 at Lough Boora Discovery Park in Co Offaly, Ireland

Lough Boora’s Battle of Giants

Witness the giants of Irish folklore take centre stage at the ultimate family event at Lough Boora Discovery Park, Co Offaly on Sunday 24 August 2014 from 12-5pm. Children across the country are being called upon to take part in one of the most exciting family events of the summer, in association with Barretstown. Irish […]

Welcome our first goslings of 2014

There was great excitement as our first goslings of 2014 hatched at Finnamore Lakes. The five goslings join Lough Boora’s lively community of birds and wildlife, including the Grey Partridge that’s part of a successful breeding scheme, Grey Herons, Egrets and a variety of other birds. Learn more about wildlife at Lough Boora.  

Filming at Lough Boora

Still Film Company chose Lough Boora as the setting for their new production “Participants”, filmed on location during August 2013. “Participants” tells the story of a group of children living in an adult-free world. With a cast and crew of more than 60 people, the film is a major production. It was funded by the […]